Thursday 25 April 2013

Hit List. What we love to hate

Things that have annoyed me this week:

*I hate it when someone butters their toast and then sticks the knife back into the butter or margarine. By the time I want to use a dab on my sandwich there's more smudgee crumbs in the tub of yellow goo than actual butter.

#Band-aids are racist. I was thinking about it the other day when I had to use one on my finger to cover a splinter. What if I had dark coloured skin? I have never seen hues of plaster strips to match people of colour. The beige pigment of regular band-aids are way out of place for anyone with even a shade darker than pinky-brown. Get with it Johnson & Johnson- we are not all coloured like Malibu Barbie.

*I really need new feet. Mine are really stuffed. They are huge and impossible to slip into anything resembling a feminine shoe. I rarely find a size for my flippers in the regular shoe stores. My sister recently holidayed in Thailand where they provide flesh-eating fish to exfoliate dead skin from your heels to your toes. You simply step into a pool of water infested with piranha type fishies and they clean up your feet for a small fee. I need that service tripled.

#What about tail-gaters? A year ago I had the pleasure of a maniac driver rear-ending my car. The crash has made me paranoid and I can't stand anyone within 10 car lengths of my backside whilst I'm driving. Probably this peeve is in my top ten. Not only is it dangerous to tailgate it's unnecessary.

*I hate trying to manage people. I'm useless at it. Ultimately I always end up doing the work because I can't be bothered asking the same people to perform the same jobs. There's got to be a way to get compliance but I haven't got a clue.

#I hate my bathroom. It hasn't been renovated since the early seventies. How do I know this? The tiles are mission brown, and falling off as I write. The mould is impossible to remove. The taps are plastic. The heater doesn't work. The shower screen is cracked and frosted and the shower door no longer exists. Hmmm. Might do a slideshow as I renovate. 

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