Friday 7 December 2012

Household Hit List

My List Of Household Hates:

* Nobody changes the empty dunny roll other than me. If I was away for a week what would my peeps use?

* Which follows on to my next peeve. Cleaning behind the dunny. It always has this dusty mucky residue. It’s really hard to reach because basically the toilet is in the way. Even the most cleanest of houses I’ve visited (my Mums) has that grime back there.

* I have a problem with unpacking the dish washer. I don’t know why exactly, I’m just over the whole experience.

* I really hate it when someone leaves traces of jam, peanut butter or vegemite in the butter. It’s even worse when they leave toast crumbs in there.

* I can’t stand hanging washing out on a windy day.

* I don’t mind cleaning the fridge but I don’t like cleaning freezers.

* Number 1 for today has to be the TV remote. Where is it and why do I have no control of it?

more to follow…

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